Midweek in the Word, September 2, 2020

Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 2, gives a powerful summary of who God is, how He relates to His creation, and How he relates to Himself. In this Midweek in the Word, we consider the truth of who God is in light of Hebrews 4:14-16 as we ask the question: How can a perfectly holy God allow unholy people like us in His presence without setting aside His Holiness for a second. (Hint: He can’t set aside His holiness lest He cease being God, so there must be another way…)

This week's encouragement in the Word from Hebrews 4 will begin with a short detour into the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 2 as we think about the ...

Midweek in the Word, July 29, 2020

What’s your shibboleth? In today’s Midweek in the Word, we’ll consider Judges 12, 1 Corinthians 15, and the call to unity only on what is truly of “first importance”.

What is your shibboleth? In today's Midweek in the Word, we consider Judges 12, 1 Corinthians 15, and our divisive hearts.

Midweek in the Word, July 22, 2020

Kevin Owsley shares some thoughts on Jesus’ cursing the fig tree and what that means for our walk with Him from Matthew 21:18-22.

Listen in as Director of Ministries Kevin Owsley shares from Matthew 21:18-22 and the strange moment that Jesus curses a fig tree and what that means for our...

Worship Service for July 5, 2020

When it seems like evil always triumphs, how do we regain perspective? Join us as we consider “The Preserving Heart of God” in the Psalm 73 in our return to in-person worship at HCPC.

When it seems like evil always triumphs, where do we run? To the sanctuary, where we regain perspective on what really matters. Join us as we return to in-pe...